If you’ve ever had a toothache, you know that it’s not a fun experience! Toothaches can be caused by many things, like cavities, infection, or even a cracked tooth. If the cause of your toothache is a cavity, your dentist may need to place a temporary tooth filling to protect the tooth until they can fix it.

Read on to learn everything about temporary tooth fillings.

What Is a Temporary Tooth Filling?

A temporary tooth filling is a non-permanent structure that helps restore a damaged tooth. Since these fillings are temporary, they’re not meant to last! So, their role is to stay in place until you see your dentist again to replace the temporary tooth fillings with a permanent one.

Fillings are generally made of materials like tooth-colored composite resins, porcelain, or dental amalgam. Temporary tooth fillings are much softer and are made of materials like zinc phosphate cement and glass ionomers, making them easier to remove when it’s time to replace them.

What’s the Procedure for Putting in a Temporary Tooth Filling?

Putting in a Temporary Tooth Filling

Getting a temporary tooth fillings is usually quicker and less invasive than getting a permanent one. The 4-step process for getting a temporary tooth is:

Step One: Numbing Your Teeth, Gums, and Surrounding Area

The first step in getting a temporary tooth fillings is to numb your teeth gums and surrounding area with a numbing agent. This will help to ensure that you are comfortable during the procedure.

Step Two: Removing Decay and Preparing the Tooth

Once the area is numb, your dentist will use a drill to remove decay. If necessary, your dentist may also perform a root canal or another dental procedure at this time.

Step Three: Adding the Filling Agent

Your dentist will then mix the filling agent and press it into the cavity. He will then spread the material to all corners of the tooth and continue adding material until the cavity is full.

Step Four: Smoothing and Shaping the Tooth

The final step is to remove excess material and shape the tooth. This will help to ensure that the tooth looks natural and functions properly.

Some additional steps may be involved if you get a temporary tooth filling for a dental crown or cap. The dentist will need to take an impression of your tooth to create the crown or cap. Once the crown or cap is ready, it will be placed over your tooth and secured with dental cement.

How Long do Temporary Tooth Filling Last?

Temporary tooth fillings are a short-term solution your dentist may use to fill a tooth until you can get a permanent filling. They are made of different materials, so their lifespan will vary depending on the type used. Generally, they should last from a few weeks to a few months.

Can You Normally Eat with a Temporary Tooth Filling?

You should ask a dentist if you require to make any allowances for temporary tooth fillings when eating. They mostly ask patients to avoid chewing on that side of their mouth for a few hours after getting the temporary tooth fillings or even replacing it with a permanent one.

In general, you should be careful with your temporary tooth fillings. Avoid eating hard or sticky foods, and try not to put too much pressure on the tooth. If you have any pain or discomfort, be sure to contact your dentist right away. Your temporary tooth filling should last until your next appointment with proper care. Then you can get a permanent solution that will last for years.

What if Your Temporary Tooth Fillings Falls Out or Break?

If your temporary tooth fillings come out, it’s essential to take action as soon as possible. The first thing you should do is call your dentist and schedule an appointment. It’s necessary to get a lost filling repaired or replaced to prevent any further damage to your unprotected tooth. You can also try to replace the temporary tooth filling yourself, but it is safer to consult your dentist.

You can do a few things to prevent your temporary tooth fillings from falling out in the first place. First, be sure to follow all of your dentist’s instructions for care and avoid chewing on hard objects. You should also avoid eating sticky or chewy foods, as they can pull the filling out. Finally, brush and floss regularly to keep your mouth clean and healthy!

Require a Temporary Tooth Filling in Shakopee, MN? Contact RiverRock Dental Now!

If your tooth is in pain or you have recently endured trauma to your tooth, then temporary tooth filling at RiverRock Dental is the best solution for you. So, contact us today to book an appointment.