A Root Canal Treatment, or an RCT, is one of the most common procedures done by dentists around the globe. The American Association of Endodontists states that over 15 million RCTs are performed in a year in the US.

But before we get into the details of the treatment, let us take a quick look at the structure of our tooth.

The Tooth

The tooth consists of two parts – the exposed part, called the crown, and the one underneath the gums called the root. And the tooth isn’t a solid structure through and through.

The root canal contains the dental pulp, and it extends from the crown to the root of the tooth. These also consist of the nerves, arteries, veins, and other cells that maintain the growth and health of the tooth.

Root Canal Therapy

Root Canal Infections

There are various causes as to why a root canal may be infected. But the starting point is always some kind of trauma that might’ve occurred to the tooth. A crack, a chip, a fracture (to either the crown or the root), damage to the pulp (with or without visible damage to the exterior), and repeated procedures – these are only some of the causes of root canal infections. But the most common cause is tooth decay.

Tooth decay can start off either on the surface on the enamel, or the cementum. And if left untreated, the disease may progress through the dentin, and reach the pulp. The bacteria and decaying material can then cause inflammation, and the spread can lead to serious infections. As a result, it can cause abscesses and even pulp death.

Symptoms of Root Canal Infections


  1. Swelling that lasts for a long time
  2. A pimple-like swelling at the base of the gums
  3. Pronounced or recurring swelling
  4. Pain in the gum on touching or applying any pressure (tenderness)



What Does A Root Canal Treatment Entail?

Root Canal Treatments are done to prevent the further spread of infection and also the possibility of extraction. Because having as many of your natural teeth as possible is the true goal.

A typical root canal treatment entails two or more visits to the dentist, depending on the status of the tooth. The procedure is done under anesthesia, so you don’t feel any pain.

Root Canal Treatment – Aftercare

As mentioned previously, getting a crown or any other tooth restoration is very important.

Patients have to be extra mindful of their oral hygiene if they’ve undergone a root canal treatment. Flossing around the crown, using anti-septic mouthwashes is always advised. Getting your teeth cleaned by a professional twice a year is also paramount.

If you experience any soreness or discomfort after the root canal treatment, you can take over-the-counter pain medication to help. In rare cases where the pain is unbearable, please visit your dentist.

Studies show that root canal treatments have a 95% success rate, and a treated tooth can last a lifetime.

Our highly skilled team at River Rock Dental is here to serve you for your needs. If you or a loved one has had a toothache, or simply want a consult, please call us at (952) 445 5556 today! And don’t worry! Aside from having a proficient staff, we are also committed to a warm and welcoming environment, and giving you a healthy, confident smile.